
Gift Fans: These fans give a touch of distinction to your events or presents, both personal and corporate gifts.

The fan is a timeless fashionable complement, which can be used by any person – both women and men in any situation; this is the main reason why it becomes an ideal gift for many occasions.

JoseBlay has an extensive hand-fan catalogue, from simplest fan to the ones of high range. If you like, you can choose one of our models, and to customize it for the event or the person to whom it is going to be given.

Personalized Hand Fans

In order to personalize practically any fan design, we offer you some different techniques as follows:

joseblay Printing in plain colorsSerigraphy (Screen-printing)
Astencil method of print making in which a design is imposed on a screen of silk or other fine mesh, with blank areas coated with an impermeable substance, and ink is forced through the mesh onto the printing surface. This technique is suitable for logos, corporate image, and simple designs from one to several colors.


handfan Lithographic printingLithography
It allows the impression of a full color image, and it is convenient for more complex designs and images with great amount of details, as photography.



Laser engraving/Laser marking handfan

The design can be marked directly by means of laser on the frame.





All these techniques can be applied on any cloth material as well as plastic frames or wooden frames. Choose the color of your hand-fan, send us your own design, and we will take care of everything.

Consult with our Commercial Department for options and budgets, or visit our Custom-made fans request form.